We are your partner in this journey, a PASSIONATE PARTNER!
We are not a regular "do-it-all" agency.
We are passionate about the realm of Business Innovation. Our sole focus is to help you strategize, plan, design & lead Mindful Business Innovation!
We are here to work "with you". We will share your burden of dealing with huge number of variables as you shape up your Innovation focus & agenda. We will work with you to help you deliberately question & reimagine BAU; to solve your business challenges through creative & mindful innovation; and to enable your workforce so that they can Lead the Change and Thrive in Business Innovation.
navigate with ease,
Innovate & THRIVE
with Confidence!
We Help You Collaborate, Empathize and Co-create with your Customers or their customers to achieve avg. 20-25% CSAT or 20-30 points NPS Improvement!
We Work with you to help you Empathize, Live the lives of your Employees and discover true needs & "what matters most" to design effective Employee Experience that could result avg. in 20-25% ESAT Improvement and/or 200% + Improvement in rate of Engagement!
We enable you to Accelerate Innovation Cycles, Squeeze Problem-Solution fitment to reduce Time-to-Market by avg. 30-50% leveraging Design Thinking led Innovation Approach!
WE HELP YOU TO Deliberate Disrupt BAU by adopting Creative Collaboration, and reimagine Business Process & Operations and achieve avg. 20-40% faster cycles; 8-9x reduction in useless back & forth and avg. 20-30% productivity improvement !
OUR ON GROUND INTERVENTIONS WILL HELP YOU Build Invincible Innovation-ready Workforce by adopting Design-led & Innovative Mindset & Skills!
At the heart of successful innovation lies a deep understanding of Human Needs! We place People at the centre of our Innovation Process. We ensure your solutions are not only technically feasible but are also Desirable & Meaningful!
In an era of constant change, businesses must be agile, and responsive to evolving customer needs! We help aligning your solutions to your users' expectations as we put your customers/employees/partners into the Creation Process!
Deliberately Lead Change instead of being forced upon, to avoid stress, crisis, confusion, scrambling and firefighting! We help you proactively propel change across your value chain to create meaningful, relevant, and sustained business impact!
Enterprise Innovation is no more the job of any particular unit or function. In today's dynamic & customer's journey-led value delivery - all hands need to be on the deck! We help you develop a Culture of Innovation through our skilling & coaching interventions!
What We DO!
Solve Wicked Business Challenges leveraging Creative, Mindful, and Human-centered approach. Solve challenges across Channels & Experiences; Products & Services; Business Platforms; Business Processes & Ops and/or Models!
Build/Institutionalize Innovation Strategy and align with overarching Enterprise Strategy & Aspirations. Manage Stakeholders; Conduct Research; Assess Maturity; Map Opportunities; Build Scenarios; Create Roadmap; and Synergize Plans & Actions!
Create a culture where Innovation becomes Effortless! Embed Innovation Mindset & Skills into your “ways of working”. Bring Leaders up to speed; Help teams adopt mindset & skills; Develop Practitioners through practice & experimentation!
Bring all hands on the deck and Deliberately Explore Opportunities & Leavers to reimagine BAU. Collaborate; Assess gaps & unmet needs; brainstorm & validate options; strategize & commit actions!
Our Experience in Numbers
Business Innovation & Transformation workshops and interventions across industry verticals.
Person Hours of Design Thinking, Business Design and Business Innovation Leadership coaching & workshops.
Person Hours of Digital Business Transformation & Power Positioning Leadership Masterclass.
Person Hours of Academia connect helping both students & educators learn context, applicability and approach to Business Innovation.
Ready to jump start? Share your thoughts and we will reach out!